Electrifying a household can save money and reduce emissions.

However, replacing an existing heating/cooling system or water heater, or adding air conditioning, can be a time-consuming and confusing process. It’s best to start this process well before the existing system fails to allow time to learn about heat pump options, obtain multiple quotes from installers and make an informed decision.

A volunteer coach or advocate who does not have a financial stake in the outcome can help you get started and, in some cases, guide you all the way through the process of electrification of households.

Go Electric Arizona provides a volunteer-based service dedicated to helping homeowners transition to electrified and energy-efficient homes. Our team of knowledgeable volunteers is passionate about energy conservation and is committed to helping homeowners navigate the complex world of home electrification.

Click here if you are interested in receiving home energy coaching.

There are financial rewards to going electric.
Click here for more information about tax incentives and rebates.




Click here to watch a video from Electrify Now on the benefits of electrification


Theme: Elation by Kaira.